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The Yoga Institute of Death,

Dying, and Grief



As Your Transition Guide I


Ensure that all your end of life needs is taken care of compassionately

in an emotional, physical, and spiritual way.



Companion with you through the last stages of the death and

dying process at home or hospice


 Help you to die with dignity


Partner with you and your family to create any ritual

or ceremonies you choose


Create a sacred and peaceful environment for client and family.

 Create a plan of action surrounding your final days.

Ensure that your wishes are
heard and met respectfully as you prepare to transition


Conduct spiritual direction to guide you deeper to

 release any fears of dying


With unconditional love we can approach death with an openness to grow and learn even in that state of letting go and we can find that dying itself can be a transformative experience

Our Transition Package 


  • 2-3 Sacred Vigil/Companion visits in the last days leading to transition

  • 3 -  One hour Spiritual direction sessions to untie any knots of fear

  • Gentle therapeutic touch to aid any physical discomfort.

  • Deathbed conversation with dying soul and family to release regrets and offer forgiveness

  • Death ritual preparation according to the last wishes of the soul and in accordance with family

  • Sacred funeral preparation of body (based on wish of the dying and family)

  • Private ceremony with family after funeral services to reconnect the sacred experience of death and dying to their own living hearts.

  • Optional funeral coordinator




Energy Exchange: $800

Package is subject to change based on the needs and desires of the family. 

For those experiencing financial hardships, a way will be made.


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