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The Yoga Institute of Death, Dying, and Grief

Medicine for the soul


"Stories are a communal currency of humanity." - Tahir Shah

Why are stories needed?

Tell the tale of our humanity

Bring us closer together

 Heal the heart and soul.


              My blind date with Grief


I didn't have a date with grief, grief had a date with me. He was a blind date I never saw coming. One look at him and I knew I didn't want any of what he was offering. For one, he wasn't my type. He was short and stocky, ball-headed, with a slippery grin I didn't care too much for. His eyes were the penetrating kind that you want to avoid, the piercing type that sears through your soul. I tried to let him off the hook gently, telling him I really wasn't interested but he was persistent and wouldn't take no for an answer. I had to admit I liked his confidence but I still wasn't convinced about his intentions. Not wanting to seem rude I decided to sit and talk. He had a way about him, the way he spoke gripped me and I found myself being pulled in. I didn't want to be pulled in and find myself entwined with what he was selling. What was he selling? Himself? Opportunity? Change? Death? Love? I wasn't sure I wanted to stick around to find out. Ignorance felt like someone I wanted to know instead. Yet he continued to speak and I continued to listen captivated by his sultry words. I found myself being wrapped up in his honey words and caught myself as I started to lean as if I was interested. Was I interested in entertaining Grief? There was something about him I couldn't shake, he wasn't my type yet I felt a pull towards his energy. His energy was big. Was I ready for big? Big scared me and Grief even more so but the more I sat with him the more I felt him, the more I was pulled into his magnetism. I couldn't look away at his eyes, those eyes held me, captivated me. Spellbound, I was spellbound. We are currently dating.



Your story brings us together.
 Links our human experiences  
 Increases our compassion and awareness.
Prepares us to enter into sacredness with each other




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