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The Yoga Institute of Death,

Dying, and Grief


"Spiritual direction is a means by which we can come to know and see ourselves and Divine Source/God/the Holy in our midst more clearly.




Ancient tradition of "Holy Listening"
Spiritual Companionship
Seeking the wisdom of spirit from within
A safe space to speak what's in your heart without fear or judgment
Sacred relationship with Divine Source
Spiritual Direction and Grief


Grief is a natural and sacred part of loss and having a companion to work through life circumstances can be very fruitful. As you contemplate what has happened or is happening in your life, a spiritual director can help you to notice where God is working or drawing you.  Healing begins with reflection which can lead to discernment, decision making, and greater wholeness...

"People who are dying need love and care, but they also need something even more profound. They need to discover a real meaning to death, and to life. Without that, how can we give them ultimate comfort? Helping the dying, then must include the possibility of spiritual care, because it is only with spiritual knowledge that we can truly face, and understand death."
-Sogyal Rinpoche, The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying.

Who is Spiritual Direction good for?

  • Spiritual direction is for anyone looking to unpack their life journey with the guidance and presence of Spirit.

  • My focus is with working with those with terminal illness preparing to transition and family members left to grieve.

Do I have to be religious to do Spiritual Direction?

No. There is  no religious affiliations required. All are accepted regardless of one's religion or lack of.


  • All Spiritual Directions sessions are an hour in length.

  • Based on a sliding scale system so everyone can have access to affordability.

  • Please call or email to schedule an appointment.


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