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The Yoga Institute of Death,

Dying, and Grief


"Our death is our wedding with eternity." - Rumi 

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The dying process is one of the most sacred experience of our lives. It can be difficult, complex, filled with fears, anxieties, and panic of the unknown and it can also be filled with dignity, grace, and acceptance if we allow it. It is a mysterious process that can never truly be known in its totality until we ourselves make the trip to cross over the veil. How we die and move across the veil depends on our attitude, feelings, acceptance of death, the surroundings at the time of our death, and the great spiritual/personal care being applied.  Ideally, the process if we allow it, could be a seamless transition of body and soul undergoing its ultimate journey. Acknowledging and accepting the final months, weeks, and days of our lives can brings a deep sense of closure and conscious awareness to the process that essentially can make the dying process dignified.  

Sacred dying

  • Is about honoring the needs, desires, and wishes of those on the deathbed.

  • Is returning the death process to its original place of sacredness

  • Incorporating our life and death experience through rituals and ceremonies that are personal to the ones dying and their family.

  • Is helping the dying navigate through their fears, anxiousness, and any denial they might have about death in hopes to bring them to as a peaceful place as possible.

  • Is creating a comfortable inviting space where our loved ones can spend their final days in peace, dignity and a deep profound sense that they still matter till the end.   




The dying process is a holy experience regardless of one's religious background, it's a human experience that connects us together.  Death chooses all to come to the table despite what our beliefs systems are to enter into that place of mystery and the beyond. Whether you believe you are returning to God or no God, death welcomes us all to let go, surrender, and be grateful for the moving tapestry of life that we were able to experience. Death isn't interested in judging the experience of your life rather we are asked how we fully showed up and lived while we had that life. In this manner, the experience of death and dying is a sacred and holy experience. 


Now more than ever we all have an opportunity to approach death with an openness of acceptance. This acceptance can lead us to experience death as a transformative agent to move beyond our fears into a place of surrender where we willingly go into the place of the unknown with grace, and dignity. 



Rejoining our soul family

Embracing the wheel of life

Accepting the journey of life and death 

Timeless Journey home


There is no greater opportunity for companionship than sitting with one who is transitioning. Sacred companionship finds us in honored relationship walking side by side with our beloved during the final weeks and days of their life. This tender relationship is guided by compassion, respect, a deep abiding love for ensuring the comfort and care of the beloved, and a nurturing atmosphere to bring the greatest peace possible. In sacred companionship we act as a spiritual liaison offering all that we can to make the transition filled with love, dignity, respect, and mutual reverence. To be in that space of pure vulnerability and enter into the mystery as far as we're able too with our beloved in transition is a place of great holiness and sacredness where we can share our very own mortality with them and appreciate the gift of being in companionship at the time of death. 

What is your Intention for your death?





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