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The Yoga Institute of Death,

Dying, and Grief

Elevating, embracing, and envisioning a more conscious way to die and approach death.

Sacred Life Transitions

Sacred Life Transitions, a collective of healers guiding souls in their journey of death, dying, and grief. Our primary purpose and vision is to assist humanity in its sacred walk through the death, dying, and grief process. Through compassionate, spiritual, and conscious guidance we hope to help those navigating through this journey come to a place of honoring this sacred transitions with peace, grace, and dignity.


We believe as Ram Dass stated that, "We are all walking each other home,"  and as such we show up with grace as servants helping each other through times of great difficulty to understand how we can show up to death and life to find opportunity for transformation and a greater reward for living and dying with honor, acceptance, and love.  

Sacred Life Transitions is dedicated to assisting those on their transition journey as well as their grief journey. To provide support, guidance, and to educate the community with insights that will elevate the journey of death, dying, and grief. We believe that each person should die well and be given the space to grieve with honor. Through changing the cultural outlook and denial of death we hope to further the conversation into a healthy dialogue of acceptance.

We believe it is possible to walk this journey with vulnerable innocence, courage, grace, and gratitude during all the immense and intense stages we will find ourselves in during this process. We look forward to partnering and walking with you in all your transitioning needs.


Compassionate, Spiritual, and Conscious Guidance

Changing our outlook on death, dying, and how we live.

Preparing to Die Well
Preparing to die well is not a primary concern of most. Rather most are concerned with longevity and how to outlive death. Dying well should not be an after thought but a priority but few are willing to have the tough conversation about death. Just like planning for a wedding, pre-planning with your family is just as important if not more so than all the other big events in your life. Here are some things to consider:
  • What vision do you have in mind for your final days?
  • Who will be your caregivers?
  • Who will be your medical advocate?
  • What kind of spiritual care do you want at the end if any?  
  • What does cleaning up unfinished business look like for you?
  • Do you want to die at home or at facility like Hospice?
​These are but a few things that we need to focus on when we consider how we want to plan for the final days of our lives. Unfortunately, most fail to plan or prepare and find that the experience leaves them and their families stressed and filled with anxiety which can make leaving the body a difficult journey. Ultimately, our final days should be filled with love, dignity, comfort, and support to help make the transition as gentle and peaceful as possible.
Like birth, death is a rite of passage that we will all go through. Having a healthy conversation now will help in the end to lessen the pain, grief, and anger. We all deserve to die well, we all deserve to plan well.


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